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Svrljiški Belmuž

  • Svrljiški belmuž is a traditional dish originating from the mountainous regions of the southeastern part of Serbia, which is on the list of the intangible cultural heritage of Serbia. This dish is representative from Negotin to Svrljig and Pirot. Belmuž is traditionally made from young sheep's and cow's cheese and corn flour. This dish was mainly prepared by the male population, in bigger cauldrons because it needed more power, which is why it got the name Belmuž. It is being prepared before Djurdjevdan and other Serbian celebrations. This is shepherd's food even today in the eastern and southern part of Serbia. The dish is extremely healthy and is in the third place on the gastronomic platform. In addition to being delicious, it is also an economical dish. It is served with scones and sour milk. Follow recipe.

Ingredients: simple, total time: 2-4 serving
  • 1 kg young cow's cheese or sheep's cheese/ not older than 2 days

  • 0.5 ml salt/ or to taste

  • small bowl of corn flour/ or wheat flour — as needed

Svrljiški Belmuž
  1. Take a 1 kg of young cow's or sheep's cheese, stir constantly over low moderate heat until it becomes mushy, add salt — (if the cheese is salty, be careful not to oversale it), stir constantly, until you get liquid coexistence.

  2. Then, gradually add flour until you get the desired consistency and constantly stir about 10 minutes on low to moderate heat.

  3. Belmuž must be stretchy, but not too much dense.

  4. Turn off the heat and serve immediately with bread and sour milk.

Buon appetito!


  • When making Belmuž, it is important not to use old cheese, but to make it young, no more than two days.

  • There is no exact measure of flour, but it must be added gradually until the desired thickness.

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