Gibanica is a Serbian traditional dish and is easy to make. You can make it with cheese or sour cream and eggs, and there is also gibanica with meat or burek, everybody like it. It is very tasty, and it is a great dish for breakfast or in the evening. Try it. Follow recipe.
Ingredients: simple, total time: 60 min. 8 serving
500 g thin-crust
400 g salted cheese /salty fresh cow's cheese
50 g white salted Greek feta cheese
3 eggs
1 spoon of baking powder
1 cup of yogurt /200 ml
150 ml milk
1 egg
Grind the cheese well with a fork, the better it will unite in gibanica (cheese pie), put another 1/2 baking powder, 1 cup of yogurt, and 3 eggs salt if cheese, not salt. Mix the mixture well.
Take a baking tray and oil it, put 3 crusts on the bottom and two on the side, (make in the shape of a cross. 3 leave the crust on the side you will need to cover the pie.
Dip the rest of the crust in the filling and arrange the crumpled crusts in the pan, when you reach the end cover the crusts, these 3 that you left aside, cover the pie. And these 2 crusts on the sides cover the back last.
Then make a topping of 1 egg and 150 ml of milk, whisk it well in the bowl where the cheese was. Pour over the gibanica (cheese pie) and then shake it a little circularly so that the topping enters each crust. Take a knife and cut horizontally.
Bake at 200 °C for 20 minutes. Buon appetito!
NOTE: This is one of the ways I make gibanica, and it is very simple and very tasty.
If you want a less crunchy gibanica and soft pie, then after baking, sprinkle with a little water or mineral water if you want!
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