Ground houseleek in honey is used continuously for 3 months against cysts and fibroid.
It is consumed on an empty stomach.
This mixture is used to treat cysts, fibroid and polyps, especially ovarian cysts.
At the same time, it is a good medicine for speeding up the metabolism, cleansing the body, it has an anti-inflammatory effect on the intestines, oral cavity, and throat, stomach and intestines. In addition, it has diuretic and mild laxative properties.
You need:
300 g of houseleek (sempervivum tectorum lat. plant)
300 g of honey
Wash and grind the leaves of houseleek in a blender, then add the same amount of quality honey, mix and keep in a jar in the refrigerator.
Consume 2–3 tablespoons per day.
Also, prepared in this way, it accelerates the metabolism and cleanses the body of all harmful substances. It is especially beneficial after taking large amounts of food.
#health #alternative #honey #sempervivumtectorum #houseleek #medicine #recipe #against #cyst #fibroid #polyps #natural #homemade
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