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Kale Green Elixir

Kale is considered an excellent food choice when it comes to protection against heart disease, macular degeneration, and the best to cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Kale is a vegetable from the cabbage family, just like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage. It is a magnificent source of vitamins, especially in the winter months. It is believed that the effects of kale can prevent the development of some of the most serious diseases. Kale is a good guardian of health, however, when the disease already occurs, it should be used in moderation and under the supervision of experts. Especially if you are taking anticoagulants or have a thyroid problem.

Kale Green Elixir

It is rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins

  • Most people would always prefer to eat something sweet instead of some green vegetables, which is the best way to improve your diet or maybe lose a few pounds. Our name for this vegetable — kale, comes from the German word kohl (cabbage). Kale is a vegetable that has been grown in Europe for centuries, and it came to America with colonists from Europe in the 16th century. It is a rich source of minerals and vitamins, it is low in calories - one serving of kale has about 42 calories, 106 grams of water and 1.4 grams of fat. It has an abundance of fiber, protein, vitamins A, C, K, and is rich in calcium and magnesium.

Food for a healthy heart

  • Due to all the above, kale is considered an excellent food choice when it comes to protection against heart disease. It is claimed that potassium in kale can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. A study of 12,000 adults found that those who consumed 4,069 mg of potassium each day had a 37 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease. However, to get 4,000 mg of potassium through kale alone and benefit from it, you would have to eat about 15 servings of cooked kale each day, which is unrealistic. The right choice is to increase your sources of potassium from other foods, for example, bananas, beans, beets, chard and of course kale.

Cancer protection

  • Kale contains potential anti-cancer properties. This vegetable, as well as the rest of the cabbage genus, contains glucosinolates, natural sulfur compounds that give it a slightly bitter taste. These compounds are broken down during digestion and form active compounds — indoles and isothiocyanate, which help detoxify the body. They are thought to prevent cancer by acting as anti-inflammatory and protecting DNA cells from damage. Vitamin C also reduces inflammatory processes, strengthens the immune system, fights oxidative stress and thus protects against cancer, flu, or colds.

Green elixir for eyes, blood, bones

  • Kale contains vitamins such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which contribute to healthy eye cells and help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. This green leafy vegetable can also help the blood clotting process. Vitamin K in kale also improves bone density and reduces the risk of fractures.

Helps with weight loss

  • Kale has few calories and a lot of water, so it is a great food for weight loss. It also contains fiber that provides a feeling of satiety and prevents overeating. This vegetable not only provides adequate weight but also affects the beauty of the skin. Vitamin A (retinol) is essential for healthy cell growth, and vitamin A deficiency often causes dry skin and acne.

Helps with weight loss

Kale has few calories and a lot of water, so it is a great food for weight loss. It also contains fiber that provides a feeling of satiety and prevents overeating. This vegetable not only provides adequate weight but also affects the beauty of the skin. Vitamin A (retinol) is essential for healthy cell growth, and vitamin A deficiency often causes dry skin and acne.

Kale or spinach?

  • In case you are someone who prefers spinach to kale, the good news is that both vegetable gardens can have a very positive effect on health. You can add a little of one or the other to the plate, or use them alternately. Both kale and spinach are excellent sources of vitamin A, fiber and protein, which, however, is more in spinach. One portion of cooked spinach has about 5.3 g of protein, and kale 3.5 g of protein. Kale therefore has slightly more fiber, 4.7 g, and kale 4.3 g. The difference in calories is negligible, spinach in one portion has 41 calories, and kale 42.

When is it necessary to use kale carefully?

  • This vegetable has many advantages, but in the case of some health conditions — moderate use is recommended. Kale is a source of vitamin K, which affects healthy blood clotting, so people who take anticoagulants must consult an expert about the permitted amounts of kale. Too much of this herb can negatively affect the effectiveness of medications. More frequent use of kale can affect the enlargement of the thyroid gland. Kale contains thiocyanate, and in large doses, this substance can cause iodine deficiency, which is important for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland.

NOTE: If you are not a fan of kale, and you are not attracted to it as much as a stew, I can only tell you that there are several ways nicely how to prepare it and like it.

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Trieste, FVG, Italy

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