The cold and flu season comes with cold days.
Influenza or influenza is a viral disease of the respiratory organs to which the body has no resistance. It is stronger in intensity and lasts longer than a cold. We recognize it by symptoms such as fever, dry cough, general weakness, loss of appetite, and treat it with herbs. The flu season lasts from December to April, with the peak months of January and February. Influenza treatment mainly consists of resting and taking as much fluid and vitamin C as possible.
Avoid smoking, ventilate the premises, eat well and take care of hygiene. The use of antibiotics in the treatment of influenza is wrong because drugs are often powerless to fight the virus. The oldest, natural and most effective way of treatment and prevention is the use of herbs.
Echinacea is an antiviral plant that strengthens the immune system and is effective in the fight against flu, colds, bronchitis and other acute respiratory diseases. It is considered a natural antibiotic and is recommended for use at the first symptoms. It is best to use it for a week or two, and in larger doses, as an intensive and short therapy. Not recommended for children under the age of two and pregnant women.
Eucalyptus is a tree that grows in Australia and whose leaves are used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. It is best known for treating colds and flu, and for that purpose we use eucalyptus leaf tea and essential oil as an inhalation agent. It has a strong effect, so greater caution is recommended when used with children, asthmatics and pregnant women.
Tahebo is a tree rich in tannin, resistant to all weather conditions. The medicinal part of the plant is a flower that is used to treat asthma, anemia and to fight the flu. It can be found in the form of capsules, tinctures, teas or tablets, and with their help, the body's immune system is stronger. Tea, tahebo baths and inhalation are recommended for the treatment of the flu. Tahebo tea in large doses causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, so it is suggested to dose it and consult a doctor before use.
Astragalus is a plant known as a traditional medicine of Chinese medicine that strengthens the immune system and produces interferons that fight viruses and frequent colds and flu. Helps with recovery from exhaustion and chronic fatigue. In combination with echinacea, it is an excellent means of protection against infections of the respiratory organs. It is found in the form of an extract, tincture, or tea. The possible side effects of the plant have not been sufficiently researched yet, so it is certainly not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Herbal tea against the flu
100 g of thyme
100 g of called flowers and
100 g of lemon balm
Pour 4 tablespoons of this mixture with 1/2 liter of boiling water, stir and leave covered for half an hour. After that time, strain the tea, and consume it daily.
Tip: Smokers, children and the elderly are most at risk. In them, viral diseases are common, and the symptoms are more pronounced. Complications in the form of bronchitis and pneumonia are a common occurrence, so regular vaccinations and greater caution are recommended as a form of protection. When an epidemic occurs, it will be too late for the flu vaccine.
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