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Collard Plant

  • The most important nutritional and medicinal properties, recipes Collard plant is a popular perennial plant from the troskot family, and it is important to note that there are two basic types of cabbage. Namely, wild collard green or meadow collard is a wild plant, and there is also a “tame” or domestic collard green that is grown as well as other types of green vegetables.

Collard Plant
  • What is collard green and what are its most significant nutritional and medicinal properties Collard Green is a plant that is very rich in vitamins, primarily vitamin C, and minerals such as iron, phosphorus, and calcium. It is also known that a very medicinal substance known as rumicin, which is similar in its characteristics to rhubarb, can be extracted from the root part of the plant. When observing the nutritional value of collard green and its health benefits, 100 g of collard green contains:

  • 48 mg of vitamin C

  • 0.8 g of cellulose fibers

  • 2.4 mg of iron

  • 290 mg potassium

  • 50 mg calcium

  • 18 mg sodium

  • 43 mg phosphorus

  • 0.3 mg magnesium

  • 0.4 micrograms of vitamin B3

  • 0.17 micrograms of vitamin B5

Although it is clear from the above that greens are a very healthy and nutrient-rich food, it was previously considered the so-called "food for the poor". However, one of the interesting facts is that greens and its properties are highly valued in China, so according to some data, it was food for the workers who built the Great Wall of China. Namely, there are writings that speak in favor of the fact that the builders who built this magnificent building were always given greens along with rice, as a source of energy.

  • Namely, there are writings that speak in favor of the fact that the builders who built this magnificent building were always given greens along with rice, as a source of energy.

  • Simply put, greens is one of the most powerful antioxidants and has a detoxifying role, so it is also called the "cleanser of the human body".

  • Collard plant are harvested in early spring, and the leaves of the plant are used in the diet, so it is believed that this food should be used in the diet at that time.

  • However, it is important to know some basic characteristics of what greens look like, and one should be guided by images of meadow greens in order to distinguish it from similar crops.

  • First, the pictures of collard greens are significant to distinguish it from the plant that is known in our country as "bljuštur", and which looks like cabbage but is not recommended for consumption.

Some of the most important health benefits of collard greens, and why it is both a food and a medicine, are the following:

  • Collard plant have strong diuretic properties, and helps with detoxification of the urinary tract and problems with urinary tract infections;

  • This plant has excellent properties in the overall detoxification of the body, and supports the work of the liver and intestines, primarily due to the richness of vitamins A and C and the mentioned minerals;

  • Collard plant is a well-known natural laxative, and allows you to clean the intestines of toxins and parasites, primarily because it is rich in plant fibers and relieves constipation;

  • on the other hand, collard greens is also great for stopping diarrhea because it is rich in electrolytes that are lost in these conditions (especially sodium, potassium, and magnesium);

  • collard plant help with problems with anemia caused by iron deficiency (sideropenic anemia), because it is extremely rich in this mineral;

  • collard plant are very rich in vitamin C and in 100 g of this plant 80% of daily needs for vitamin C are represented, so it is excellent for the prevention of scurvy;

  • This plant has known anti-inflammatory properties and has a strong antibacterial effect, primarily due to the high concentrations of vitamin C it contains;

  • Collard plant is an excellent food for naturally strengthening the immune system and the body's defenses, because it has an abundance of vitamins and minerals in its composition;

  • collard plant help with various skin problems and diseases, and is used in various forms of dermatitis, inflammatory processes (abscesses) and itching;

  • - due to the abundance of vitamin A, collard green is also great for preserving visual function, and retinol from collard prevents eye diseases and alleviates some problems related to the sense of sight;

  • It is known that collard plant is one of the best natural remedies for the treatment of gastroparesis - a condition characterized by a disorder of nerve signals in the digestive tract.

    1. You can prepare soups, sauerkraut from collard, use it in the preparation of risotto, make pies or put them as an addition to corn bread, and mostly young collard leaves are used for eating, before flowering.

    2. B vitamins are mostly found in meat, so collard plant is an excellent source of these vitamins for people who choose a vegan or vegetarian diet.

I present to you 3 beneficial effects of desire for our health:

  • Spring is the perfect period for detox and cleansing the body of toxins that have accumulated in the body over the winter. Collard plant is great for detoxification because it is a diuretic by nature. During detoxification, food intake is reduced and only a fresh, organic and healthy diet is selected, and greens are rich in vitamins and minerals that will naturally nourish the body and help you cleanse it faster and easier. A portion of collard plant will have a great effect on your digestion and is a great natural remedy against constipation. Just pay attention to the amount, because larger amounts of collard can cause diarrhea.

  • Collard soup will easily satiate you, but if you prepare it with a little oil, it can be an ideal meal if you are on a diet. Collard dishes are a good choice for anyone who wants to lose weight.

2. Strengthens immunity

  • Collard is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is crucial for the good functioning of the defense system. About 100 g of cabbage leaves contain about 80% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. This plant has strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. If you want to get the right dose of vitamin C from collard, then do not cook it for a long time, but use fresh collard leaves for salad.

3. It has a good effect on eyesight and skin

  • Collard stalks and leaves contain large amounts of vitamin C, which has antibacterial properties, but also vitamin A, which is essential for eye health and a beautiful complexion. Vitamin A is essential for keeping skin, hair and mucous membranes healthy. These two vitamins often appear in the composition of skin and hair care products, and now you can take them naturally if you include medicinal greens in your diet. Vitamin A also supports eye health. About 100 g of raw collard leaves contain a sufficient amount of vitamin A to meet the daily needs of the body.

NOTE: In any case, all green plants have fantastic properties and should be consumed as much as possible!

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