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Breast Fibroadenoma Symptoms, Treatment, Teas and Herbs, Experiences

What is fibroadenoma?

  • Finding nodules in the breast can be a frightening experience, but not all growths and tumors in the breast are carcinogenic. One type of benign (non-cancerous) breast tumor is called fibroadenoma. Although not life-threatening, this benign breast tumor may still require treatment. Thus, fibroadenoma is a benign breast tumor (non-cancerous), which is usually found in women younger than 30 years. This benign breast tumor consists of breast and stroma tissue, or connective tissue. Fibroadenomas can occur in one or both breasts.

Breast fibroadenoma symptoms, treatment, teas and herbs, experiences

Fibroadenoma symptoms

  • When you feel a lump in the breast, the first thought always refers to the worst – however, we note that in most cases it is not breast cancer, but a fibroadenoma on the breast.

  • When it comes to breast fibroadenoma, some fibroadenomas are so small that they cannot be felt. When a woman is able to feel fibroadenoma on the breast, then it is very clearly different from the surrounding tissue. A moving ball in the breast may indicate a fibroadenoma. The edges are clearly defined, and the tumors have a detected shape. They are mobile under the skin and are typically not sensitive. These tumors often feel like marbles, you may feel like they have a rubbery texture.

  • So does fibroadenoma hurt? The answer is that fibroadenoma does not typically cause pain, although in some cases sensitivity and pain may occur, especially before the onset of menstruation.

Breast fibroadenoma treatment

  • If you are diagnosed with fibroadenoma, it does not mean that it must be removed. Depending on your physical symptoms, family history and personal problems, you and your doctor can decide whether to remove it or not.

  • Non-developing fibroadenomas that are definitely non-carcinogenic can only be closely monitored with clinical breast examination and imaging tests, such as mammograms and ultrasound.

  • The decision whether fibroadenoma removal will be necessary usually depends on the following:

  • if it affects the natural shape of the breast

  • if it causes pain

  • if you are worried that it may develop into cancer

  • if you have a family history of cancer

  • if you have a suspicious biopsy result.

If the fibroadenoma is removed, it is possible for one or more of them to grow back in the same place. Regular monthly breast self-examination should be your routine that you should never skip. If there are any changes in the size or shape of the existing fibroadenoma, contact your doctor immediately.

Fibroadenoma surgery

  • Breast fibroadenoma surgery is performed only if the doctor decides that it is best for you.

  • Breast fibroadenoma surgery, called an excisional biopsy, is sometimes performed to remove a fibroadenoma if it is large, complex, or juvenile. Sometimes a woman can ask the doctor to remove the fibroadenoma, because she is worried about her health.

  • In the case of fibroadenoma, the operation will be performed using local or general anesthesia.

  • You may be offered a vacuum-assisted excision biopsy to remove the fibroadenoma. This is a way to remove small fibroadenomas under local anesthesia, but without surgery.

  • What the recovery will be like after fibroadenoma surgery depends on many factors. In general, a woman recovers quickly, with minimal possible complications. You need to listen to the doctor's advice.

Treatment of breast fibroadenoma naturally

  • When it comes to breast fibroadenoma, natural treatment can help a lot. What is the natural cure for fibroadenoma?

Vitamin E supplements

  • Some women report a significant improvement in their pain and fibroadenoma sensitivity when taking a vitamin E supplement, but this does not show a significant effect at all. You can get vitamin E through the food you eat. Foods with high levels of vitamin E: leafy vegetables, broccoli, tomatoes, basil, red peppers, asparagus, pumpkin, kiwi, mango, nuts, seeds, avocado and olive oil.

Evening primrose oil

Evening primrose oil has been shown to be an excellent natural remedy for fibroadenoma, as it has shown great results in relieving pain and tenderness. The recommended dose is 3 grams per day for a period of 3 to 6 months.

Iodine supplementation

Treatment of breast fibroadenoma in a natural way is also possible with iodine replacement. Namely, iodine deficiency may play a role in the development of breast cysts. Without iodine, breast tissue becomes more sensitive to estrogen, which can cause fibroadenoma.

Herbal fibroadenoma treatment

Certain herbs can relieve breast pain and swelling:

  • dandelion leaves,

  • uva ursi,

  • broccoli (Galium aparine) and

  • Yarrow.

  • If you are interested in herbal treatment, Phytolacca americana root oil or castor oil have been used for years to reduce painful lumps in the breast. These oils should be rubbed into the breast skin as a lotion.

  • You can also place a towel soaked in castor oil on the affected area and place a heating pad on top. Keep this for at least an hour for maximum results. Alternatively, massage your breasts regularly with plain castor oil. You can also use castor oil mixed with herbs and essential oils and bitter gourd oil. Breast massage also helps to monitor the changes that are happening in your breasts.

  • Tea for fibroadenoma

  • When it comes to fibroadenoma tea, it is mentioned that regular drinking of fresh ginger tea can alleviate the symptoms of fibroadenoma a lot.

Breast fibroadenoma diet

When it comes to breast fibroadenoma, diet is also very important and can help in this case. Follow these guidelines:

  • avoid eating meat

  • do not consume refined sugars

  • avoid eating foods that contain compounds such as estrogen (soy)

  • consume fresh fruits and vegetables and their juices (the best from organic production), and the best for breast health are: wheatgrass, kale, spinach, dandelion leaves, celery, primrose and cucumber.

  • Avoid fried, greasy or processed foods as much as possible

  • eliminate caffeine from your diet (coffee, green, black, white and oolong tea, chocolate, Coca-Cola).

Fibroadenoma experience

  • Fibroadenoma is mainly diagnosed in younger women. Symptoms are sometimes present, then the woman usually feels a lump in the breast that moves, however – sometimes the fibroadenoma is deep in the breast that it cannot be felt so easily. Experiences regarding fibroadenoma are different, in most cases, doctors advise only vigilant monitoring and regular monitoring, initially for 6 months, and later for a year, if everything is fine. If the fibroadenoma increases and begins to cause problems, then its removal is advised.

  • Breast ultrasound and mammography are the most relevant methods for diagnosing fibroadenoma, but monthly breast self-examinations are extremely important, so that a woman can see a doctor immediately if she notices a change. In some, fibroadenoma causes pain and tenderness, especially before the onset of menstruation, while in some it does not cause any concerns at all.

The good news is that in most cases, fibroadenoma will not progress to breast cancer, but diet and lifestyle are very essential as a form of prevention.

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