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Apricot Jam Lena

  • Apricot jam is mostly prepared over the summer, many housewives from Serbia prepare it to have this most delicious jam for the whole family over the winter. This is my mom's method and believes me, the jam is fantastic and everyone adores it! Follow this recipe.

Ingredients: simple, total time: 3h
  • 5 kg of peeled apricots

  • 2.5 kg of sugar

  • 1/2 preservative sachet for 5 kg, because when cleaning apricots, a few grams fall off

  • if the apricots are not sour as needed, take Limuntus and put it to your liking.

  • (Jam fix only for thick jam) in this case -recipe you do not have needed.

Apricot jam Lena
Method of Preparation:
  1. Peel an apricot, remove the stones and place them in an enameled large undamaged bowl.

  2. Per 1 kg of apricots, 450-500 g of sugar, mix it all and leave it overnight and cover with a cloth. The next day, cook them on high heat until the apricots combine with the sugar and become a uniform mixture, because the jam must be a little thin and not thick.

  3. (If you want to make a thick jam then use jam fix at the very beginning of cooking, see the instructions on the bag how many kilograms and jam fix).

  4. 10 minutes before the end, add preservative and Limuntus if necessary is the apricots are very sweet and overripe, then remove from the stove. Mix with a food processor for another half an hour, so they will get a nice color and thicken quickly.

  5. When you are done then you can pack them in hot sterile jars, (110 °C) to know what the jar sterilization procedure look at here.

  6. Wash the jars well and heat them, then pour the hot jam into them, and close the completely cooled jars with cellophane and an eraser and close the jars with a lid.

  7. Place them in a pantry or basement in a dark and cool place. Enjoy!

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Trieste, FVG, Italy

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