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All about Dumplings

  • Many housewives wonder: how to make soup dumplings? There is nothing easier! This article details a step-by-step recipe for cooking dumplings for soup.

  • Soup with dumplings is a kind of first dish, love for which does not come immediately. A lot of children don't like to consume soups, and here it is very important how to make a delicious soup so that they will love it too.

  • Since some of your relatives or friends love dumplings, you definitely need to learn how to cook delicious dumplings for soup and, accordingly, soup with such dumplings.

  • Dumplings are prepared not only for soups and first courses. By changing the consistency, shape and composition, dumplings can be used as a stand-alone dish or side dish or snack.

  • It all depends on the composition of the base for dumplings, ie flour and various spices, flavors and sauces. However, most often dumplings are pieces of dough that make lunch (or other meal) more satisfying and nutritious.

  • If you want to learn how to make dumplings for soup, main course or appetizers, take a look at the materials in this article.

  • Dumplings - a product made from dough flour, most typically in European countries. Cooking dumplings is quite simple, but there are a number of nuances and characteristics that will make the dish the most delicious.

  • The dumplings are immediately mixed, formed and cooked at the same time as the first dish, and they fit organically into the recipe. With them, all types of meat, as well as vegetable soups become richer, tastier and more satisfying. A great idea came from chefs who are at the beginning of culinary development among different nationalities and cultures.

All about Dumplings
  • Dumplings are equally popular in different countries around the world, although they are called differently in different countries:

    1. In Russia - dumplings

    2. In the Czech Republic - dumplings

    3. Gnocchi in Italy

    4. Salma - among the Tatars

    5. in Estonia - kama

    6. Spaetzle - from the Germans

    7. Bakerbze in countries such as Switzerland and Austria

      • In addition, potato dumplings in Lithuanian, garlic dumplings in Poland, cheese dumplings and many, many other options on this topic are popular among Finns.

      • Traditionally, dumplings are, of course, classified as culinary from Russian cuisine. A classic and elementary recipe, but not the only one. You can use wheat or buckwheat flour to prepare dumplings, and you can also take and mix rye, barley and buckwheat flour in different proportions. In this regard, I recommend that you get to know and try the various possibilities of making dumplings for soup from different types of dough, and then choose the option you like best.

How to cook soup with dumplings?
  • First, take a look at a simple universal recipe for potato soup with dumplings, which will surely appeal to many fans of Russian cuisine. You may remember a taste forgotten from childhood, and it is very likely that you will like the recipe much more now:


For the Dough:

  • 1 egg

  • 5 Tablespoons flour

  • 1 Tablespoon butter

  • 150 ml of milk

  • pinch of salt

  1. Directly for the soup, you can take the well-known products from the classic recipe or, in the described version, 0.5 kg of chicken meat (soup is also possible), 3-4 pieces, potatoes, 1 pc. carrot, 1 pc. onion, a small amount of vegetable oil, ground black pepper, as well as 1 bay leaf, salt and a bunch of fresh herbs.

  2. First, you need to prepare the dough for the dumplings. In a deep plate or bowl, lightly beat 1 hen's egg, add salt and mix with 150 g of milk. Melt the butter and whisk in the resulting mixture of eggs and milk. Add the flour gradually, kneading the dough and removing lumps. When the dough becomes homogeneous, a little thicker than for pancakes, leave it for now and take care of the soup.

  3. Almost every housewife knows how to cook potato soup. Let's stop at the general recommendations: cook soup - cook chicken over low heat, stirring and removing the foam. Peel an onion and a carrot, chop them and fry them in vegetable oil.

  4. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips or medium cubes and place in a pan with chicken soup. Separate the cooked chicken from the bones and return to the pot. Add fried onions and carrots, bay leaf, black pepper, and cook the soup over low heat for about 15-20 minutes.

  5. So we come to the most important thing in our recipe, and that is the preparation of dumplings for soup from previously prepared dough. Why should you wet 2 teaspoons with cold water and take them in both hands. Grab a little of the dough with one spoon, and carefully separate it with the other hand and pour it into the pot with a little boiling broth.

  6. Similarly, form and dip cooked dumplings in the soup. If there are too many, leave them to your own devices. It should be borne in mind that during cooking, when the soup boils, the dumplings will increase slightly.

  7. To determine the readiness of the dumplings, pay attention to the appearance and the way they behave: the finished dumplings will become dull, turn white and float to the surface of the soup. This will take about 5 minutes. While this is happening, it is necessary to cut the greens washed with cold water, sprinkle it with ready-made soup with dumplings, then cover and leave to cool a bit. Let the soup cook well, and you can serve it on the table.

  8. After the soup is cooked, it is advisable to eat it the same or the next day. Otherwise, the dough may swell or stick too much, so it won’t be as tasty anymore. If you do not have a large family, cook dumpling soup in small quantities. It is better to cook less, but more often. And next time, allow yourself to cook soup dumplings using other cooking options. See them below.

  9. Dumplings or dumplings are made from semolina. You can cook them to add to soup, as well as a separate dish.

Grit dumplings have a high nutritional value and are great for breakfast, as well as a side dish for another dish:

  1. For 200 ml of milk or water, it is enough to take 200 g of semolina, a couple of tablespoons of butter, half a pinch of salt and a little sugar to your taste (of course, you can do without it).

  2. Cook semolina of thick consistency, using milk or water, add salt and sugar during cooking.

  3. Dip small pieces of dough in boiling soup or water, try to be the same size. This can be done by taking two teaspoons or a tablespoon. It will also be convenient to use a special round-shaped spoon, which is often used for ice cream scoops.

  4. After approximately 6-7 minutes, after the dumplings are ready, it is necessary to remove the dish with the dish from the fire and serve dinner at the table.

  5. As already mentioned, it is necessary to make dumplings of small sizes for even cooking and so that they disintegrate in water (milk).

  6. For serving, I also use the way to take the dumplings out of the pan, put them in a strainer until the liquid drains out, and then transfer them to a serving bowl with sauce (sour cream).

The potato dumplings in the first dish are as delicious as they are.

  1. However, they are not prepared for potato soup, but for adding to cereal soups, for example, buckwheat or pearl barley soups, and in addition, they go well with various types of meat (pork, beef, lamb, etc.), buy with potato dumplings and your special taste:

  2. To prepare a dumpling for a medium pot of soup, you need about 250-300 g of raw potatoes, 1 egg, 0.5 Tbsp, small pretzels, 2 Tbsp flour, salt and nutmeg.

  3. Whole potatoes can be cooked, peeled or in uniform. Stretch the boiled potatoes into the purée, add salt, season with nutmeg, beat 1 egg and mix well.

  4. Knead the potato dough, gradually adding bread crumbs and mixing. If the potato dough is not elastic enough, you can add a little flour.

  5. Wet your hands and shape the same small pieces of dough and dip them in boiling soup that is almost ready (you can also use two spoons for that). After a few minutes, after the dumplings float to the surface, remove the pot from the heat.

  6. Potato dumplings can be made by kneading chopped fried mushrooms. A longer-lasting option is to put mushrooms in each dumpling, shaping it with wet hands, you can also put chopped greens mixed with nutmeg.

How to cook dumplings with cheese for soup?
  1. Cheese dumplings can be added to almost all soups, or just for soups - dumplings are very light and rich in flavor, so they work without other ingredients:

  2. Take a chicken egg, 50-60 g of hard cheese and 3 Tbsp flour, a pinch of salt and black pepper. When using already salted cheese, it is necessary to reduce the amount of added salt.

  3. Lightly whisk the egg with the salt. Then add pepper and whisk again.

  4. Grate the cheese on a fine or medium grater and add to the beaten egg.

  5. Mix the cheese mass and add the flour, knead the dough to a thick consistency.

  6. The dough is quite sticky, carefully put them in the soup, well moisten your hands or spoons for shaping with cold water.

  7. The taste of cheese dumplings differs from traditional ones in color and taste. The nuance of the dumplings can be further improved by adding a teaspoon of curry spices to the resulting cheese dough, as well as red ground pepper.

  8. In summary, it should be noted that there are several recipes for soup dumplings, for a variety of flavors.

  9. Any of the most common dumplings or dumplings can be diversified not using wheat flour, but replace it with, for example, corn, buckwheat or oatmeal. In addition to this, there are chicken dumplings (from finely chopped ground chicken), garlic dumplings, fresh cheese - these recipes will transform ordinary and somewhat boring first courses or soups. We wish you culinary success and a great mood!

All about Dumplings
  • 4 potatoes (medium size)

  • 1 carrot

  • 2 light bulbs

  • 2 liters of broth

  • greenery

  • plant oil

  • spices.

  • salt

To Prepare the Dumplings:

  • flour

  • 2 eggs.

  • salt.

How to cook ready-made soup with dumplings:
  • If someone in a meeting or at a table is inadvertently reminded of dumpling soup, then the first words of your interlocutors will most likely be shouts-memories of grandma's childhood soup. Indeed, such a simple, but incredibly first delicious dish is often forgotten, so its preparation is tied to old impressions. But after all, grandmothers knew what! To cook and how. You can feed a satisfying meal with a fairly simple instant meal!

    1. I invite you to remember the recipe for making this soup in your memory and we advise you to cook it next weekend in order to feed your family deliciously.

    2. The soup can be cooked in advance, but it must be cooked before cooking. Chop the onion in the usual way and throw it together with the diced potatoes or slices in the pan.

    3. At this time, prepare the dough for the dumplings. Add a little salt to the flour, beat the eggs and mix the ingredients well. After kneading, the dough should look like thick sour cream.

    4. Dumplings can be shaped with a spoon or by pinching small pieces from the edge of the dough. While the dumplings are baking and just starting to float, you can cook the frying pan. To do this, cut the rest of the onion, finely chop the carrot and fry the sunflower oil. Season the soup and continue cooking until soft.

    5. Before removing the soup from the heat, add herbs, spices, salt. Serve with sour cream on the table.

    6. "Grandma's" soup will help you turn lunch or dinner into pleasant home gatherings with warm childhood memories. Don’t resist the precious moments of being together at a shared table while enjoying and saturating the soup with dumplings!

    7. The dumpling soup is ready nice!

      • There are dozens of recipes for dumpling soups, and the difference is not only in the composition of the piece of dough. One thing is for sure - this is an economical hot dish, with many variations of flavors and made from the simplest products that are always in the house.

      • There are analogues of dumplings in different cuisines of the world: in Italy, the Czech Republic, Germany, of course, everyone is familiar with Ukrainian dumplings. But do not be confused, each of these supplements has its own characteristics.

      • Not every housewife knows how to cook soup with dumplings tasty, unusual and correct!!

Recipes for different types of dumplings for the first dish
  • For many, everything is limited to kneading flour and water dumpling dough to make soup dumplings. In fact, the cooked particles should be soft and fluffy. Help to achieve this softness with different products - milk, cream, butter.

  • Soup dumplings are always an improvisation, as well as grated vegetables, cheese, cereals and aromatic herbs.

  • Prepare the dough just before you put it in the boiling broth. Put the pieces of dough in the pan before turning it off, they cook very quickly. And a readiness indicator - additional particles will float to the surface.

  • Dumplings are usually cooked, but there are gourmets who like to lightly fry them with onion in oil.

Dumpling Dough

The traditional composition of the most common dumplings is simple:

  • eggs,

  • flour,

  • cream,

  • butter

  1. Knead according to the principle of dough for dumplings, a little thinner.

  2. Eggs must be taken from the refrigerator, flour must be sifted. When enriched with oxygen, the dough is airy. Butter, of course, melt. This is the basis for dumplings. If you add additional ingredients, then already in the finished dough.

  3. Any dumplings are made from the dough, this is the basis.

  4. The soup turns out generous, but at the same time not banal with rice, noodles and potatoes.

Millet Dumplings
  • 100 g millet

  • 1 egg

  • 1 Tbsp wheat flour

  1. We cook cereals in advance. Add egg to the soft porridge, add salt and strengthen with a spoonful of flour. Knead, form balls, just add to the soup. This dish is also served as a stand-alone dish, with sour cream.

How to make dumplings for egg and flour soup? The easiest way, known to every housewife.
  1. Whisk the eggs with a whisk, add spices and salt to the egg mass. And then flour is added. You can take the batter with a spoon and throw it in boiling water, the dumplings themselves will take the desired shape and harden.

Dumpling Griets
  1. Minimum amount of food required. We take one egg and a little vegetable oil in the cereal.

  2. Whisk the egg vigorously with a spoon. The liquid ingredient will help the semolina swell. Leave a little for the cereal to disperse. It remains only to put the pieces in heated oil, fry and take a sample. If you are going to cook dumplings, then divide the dough into small portions, it tends to increase greatly in volume.

Potato Dumplings
  • 10 potatoes

  • 2 onions

  • salt and, nutmeg

  1. For this dish, cook potatoes "in uniform". We remove the bark, finely three root crops. Onions can also be grated, its juice will add flavor to fresh potatoes. You can also fry in oil, in which case you will need to add 1 egg to the dough so that the dumplings do not fall apart.

  2. In order not to darken the chips, a few drops are added. Lemon juice.

  3. Everything, you can roll up the balls and throw them into the soup.

  • 1 egg

  • 400 g of wheat flour

  • 0.5 teaspoons of soda

  • 0.5 teaspoons of salt

  • a glass of kefir

  1. The secret of tenderness is dumplings on kefir and soda. They are incredibly soft and fluffy. Knead the dough, starting with eggs, then add flour. And, like dumplings, our dumplings are cooked until they float.

  • This Italian dish, almost a complete replica of our potato dumplings. The composition and recipe do not differ.

If you really want to cook gnocchi soup, just make them very small. They differ only in size.

A simple Dumpling Soup
  • 2.5 liters water

  • 4 potatoes

  • 2 carrots

  • 2 onions

  • salt and pepper, vegetable oil

  • 2 sweet peppers

  • the greens you love

To add flour:

Egg, flour, milk, they are.

  1. The dumpling soup is good and only in water, if you want, cook it in soup.

  2. Consider the recipe step by step. Pour the diced potatoes and peppers into the sherpa with the boiling liquid.

  3. Add the carrot and onion in passivated form.

  4. Finally put the greens to keep the aroma.

  5. Even before extinguishing with a spoon, grab the mass and cook the pieces of flour.

  6. The dough is kneaded very simply: pour milk into a beaten egg, add salt and shape with flour.

  7. Boil the soup for a few minutes and arrange on plates.

How to cook soup with dumplings in broth
  • The recipe is similar. We only cook soup in advance. It is enough to cook the chicken for half an hour. But keep the meat on the stove for at least an hour so that the pieces boil. For the rest follow the recipe with a simple hot option.

Soup with Potato Dumplings
  • 2.5 liters of meat broth

  • carrots, onions, peppers after

  • 1.5 a glass of tomato juice

  • a couple of sprigs of primrose, salt, oil

  • 4 potatoes

  • 4 Tablespoons flour

  • 1 egg

  • salt and pepper

  1. For the potato dough, cook the puree and mash it.

  2. Whisk to soften with egg and give flour density.

  3. Finely chop all the prepared vegetables and cut as desired, alternately throwing them into the boiling soup.

  4. There goes tomato juice for color.

  5. Toss the potato balls for 2-3 minutes before putting out the fire.

  6. the main product already welded, they only need cooking for compaction.

    • This soup is much more interesting than the usual potato soup.

How to cook soup with semolina dumplings?
  • 1.5 liters of any broth

  • 1 carrot and onion

  • vegetable oil

  • 1 egg

  • 2.5 Tablespoons bait

  • 1 Tbsp of butter

All sbout Dumplings
  1. Put some fried vegetables in the hot soup. For beauty, you can cut them figuratively. Rub the egg with melted butter. Sprinkle with semolina, salt and let stand.

  2. We collect a portion with a teaspoon and lower it into the boiling first dish. Cook for a few minutes.

Cheese dumpling soup recipe

  • The soup base is cooked as usual. Potatoes, carrots, overcooked onions are essential ingredients. You can take any broth, the main thing is not to forget to add lavrushka and spices. More attention to the dumplings.

  • 1 egg

  • 100 g of cheese

  • a bunch of greenery

  • 1.5 Tablespoons flour

  • a piece of butter

All about Dumplings
  1. Durum cheese variety three, finely grate, whisk with egg, flour, chopped herbs. Roll the balls right away so you don't waste time later.

  2. As soon as the vegetables are toasted, you can put cheese balls in the soup. They float like normal dumplings.

  3. For a special splendor of cheese dumplings, milk is poured in when kneading the dough.

  • Other chefs know their secret: separating egg yolks and proteins and whipping them separately. You have the opportunity to try all the recipes. As you can see, no expensive and plentiful lunch is a reality. You just need to use your imagination and the simplest set of products. Many people are indifferent to soups because. every day on their tables are a bit boring and monotonous liquid dishes with pasta, rice, potatoes. To diversify the menu, you need to make a delicious chicken or milk soup with dumplings - cooking is generally not difficult if you have at least minimal experience in the field of cooking. For dumplings that look like Ukrainian dumplings, Bavarian dumplings, Czech dumplings, you only need four ingredients: flour, milk, eggs and butter.

How to make dumpling soup?
  • The recipe for soup dumplings is simple, because. these are flour balls or "pads". Almost every housewife who spends a significant amount of time in the kitchen knows what they are. At the same time, not everyone understands how to properly cook dumplings for flour soup. Many people make the same mistake when they make these balls out of thick dough, which includes only eggs and a little flour. In fact, their cooking recipe is not limited to such a meager set of ingredients.

  • For the dough soup to be really tasty, the dumplings need to be soft and fluffy. To achieve the required consistency of the dough, it is necessary to add to the total mass not only eggs, but also milk, cream, butter. The latter should preferably be creamy. How to make soup dumplings to take on a specific aroma and taste? To do this, you need to mix spices, finely chopped greens, cereals, grated potatoes and other favorite ingredients into the dough. The base for the dumplings should be made just before the preparation of the soup itself - they are dropped a few minutes before it is ready.

Recipes for soup with dumplings
  • When choosing the right recipe for dumpling soup, take into account your taste, because. it can be chicken, mushrooms, vegetables, beans, etc. To make the soup with dumplings fragrant and tasty, don't forget to add spices and herbs. Flour balls should be dropped at the very end, ie. a few minutes before the meal is ready, because they cook very quickly. The readiness of such dumplings is determined by the position in the pan: if the dumplings floated to the surface, then they were cooked.

The Chicken
  • Caloric content of the dish: 272 kcal per serving. 6 servings

  • Cooking chicken soup with flour balls is a very tasty and hearty meal. Thanks to the "pads" of the dough, this version of the liquid dish turns out to be original, ie. it can even be served to guests. To prepare the dough for the dumplings in the soup, you will need to pre-cool the eggs, sift the required amount of flour and melt the butter. In addition, milk and cream can be added to the dough.

  • 400 g chicken fillet

  • 3 potatoes

  • 1 onion

  • 1 carrots

  • 50 ml of oil (vegetable)

  • 6 Tbsp wheat flour

  • 1 egg

  • salt and spices - to taste

  1. Cut the fillet into cubes, put it in a sherpa and pour cold water over it.

  2. Bring to a boil, then remove the foam and reduce the heat. Salt the soup, add spices.

  3. Fry finely chopped onion and thin strips of carrot in oil. Add fried potatoes and small diced potatoes to the boiling soup.

  4. Knead the dough by breaking the egg and gradually adding the flour. Put the dumplings in the soup until the chicken and potatoes are done.

  5. When the flour balls start to float, turn off the heat.

No Meat

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Portions: 5-6 people.

Purpose: for lunch, dinner.

Cuisine: European.

Difficulty of preparation: medium.

  • The recipe for this vegetable soup with "balls" of flour is relatively simple. Despite the lack of meat among the products that make this soup, it becomes very tasty. You can sprinkle dill in the soup and add sour cream. This recipe can come in handy if you need to feed your family or guests quickly. This is a great option for children and the diet menu.

  • 1 cup flour

  • 2 potatoes

  • 1 carrot

  • 1 egg

  • 1 onion

  • 30 ml of vegetable oil

  • 25 g butter

  • salt - to taste.

  1. First you need to peel and chop the potatoes, onions, carrots, and then throw the last two ingredients in a pot with boiling water.

  2. Separately fry the onion in vegetable oil, add to the boiling broth.

  3. In another pot, boil one glass of water, dissolve with a couple of small spoons of butter. Add flour, stir vigorously for 1 minute, reduce heat to low. Once the mass has cooled, add the egg to it, then mix well.

  4. Spoon the dough into the boiling broth. After that, you just need to cook it for a few minutes until the dumplings appear on the surface.

With Flour Dumplings

Cooking time: 50 minutes.

Portions: 5 people.

Caloric content of food: 200-250 kcal per serving.

Difficulty of preparation: medium.

  • You can cook a transparent and delicious soup with vegetables and dumplings in an hour at most. You don’t have to fill it with anything, but everything is optional. To prepare soft dumplings, you will need to lightly beat the eggs with salt, add milk and flour, and then mix everything well. It only remains to learn how to cook the soup itself in which you will have to throw these delicious balls.

  • 4 potatoes

  • 1 onion

  • 1 carrots

  • 1 paprika

  • 3 Tbsp vegetable oil

  • 20 g butter

  • salt and pepper to taste.

  • 2 bay leaf

  • 70 ml milk

  • 1 egg

  • 8 Tbsp of flour

  1. Toss the carrot, chopped on a coarse grater, finely chopped onion. Separately fry the rest of the vegetables in a mixture of butter and vegetable oil.

  2. Bulgarian pepper and potatoes cut into small cubes. Toss them in boiling broth and cook until half done, then add pepper and salt.

  3. Finally, during cooking, dip the dough in the soup with a spoon. Finally, add fried vegetables, bay leaf, spicy pepper, black pepper (ground).

With Semolina Dumplings

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes.

Portions: 4 people.

Caloric content of food: 250-300 kcal per serving.

  • Deciding to make a liquid dish with semolina dumplings as tasty as in the photo, pay special attention to the preparation of all the necessary components. The finished soup will come out not only satisfactory and delicious, but also light. You can cook it on vegetables and meat soup, for example, chicken - it all depends on your taste. You can satisfy both children and adults with the resulting dish.

  • 200 ml chicken soup

  • 50 g butter

  • 150 g semolina

  • 1 onion

  • 1 stalk of celery

  • 1 fresh dill

  • 400 g chicken breast

  • 1 carrot

  • 1-2 pinch of salt

  1. Put 200 ml of hot soup on low heat, add butter, salt, pour cereal.

  2. Making choux pastry, roll out, cut out figures.

  3. Put dumplings in the original soup, from where 200 ml is poured. After they float, add pre-cooked pieces of meat, boiled and chopped carrots, chopped greens to the soup.

  4. You can remove the soup from the heat and serve.

Potato dumplings

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Portions: 9 people.

Caloric content of the dish: 119 kcal per serving.

Difficulty of preparation: medium.

  • Despite its relatively low energy value, this version of the liquid dish is generous and nutritious. The set of products needed for cooking soup is minimal and quite affordable. An important difference between this recipe and the others are the potato flour balls. To be the same as in the photo in the recipe book, just decorate it with a sprig of greenery.

  • 300 g potatoes

  • 25 g wheat flour

  • 60 g butter

  • 1 egg

  • black pepper (ground), salt - to taste

  1. Boil the potatoes, then strain through a meat grinder.

  2. Rub the butter, add the flour with the egg (the yolks should not be separated from the protein), then add salt, ground pepper and mix with the potatoes.

  3. Toss the dumplings, previously rolled in flour, in boiling water. Once they are done you can mix them with meat broth.

Cheese Dumplings

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Number of servings: 7-8 people.

Difficulty of preparation: medium.

  • If you decide to diversify your usual diet, pay attention to the recipe for cheese dumplings. In such a diet and light soup you can add any vegetables that interest you. This will only make it tastier. Don't be afraid to experiment. Use different greenery to decorate the dish, making it as attractive as in the photo of the restaurant menu.

  • 100 g hard cheese

  • 1/2 cup flour

  • 5 potatoes

  • 1 carrots

  • 1 onions

  • 1egg

  • 1 Tbsp butter

  • salt and pepper to taste

  1. Grate the cheese, add butter, egg, pepper, salt, and mix the whole mass. Then add the flour.

  2. Grate the carrot with which you will fry the paprika, onion and salt.

  3. Immediately put the potatoes to cook on the stove. Send the roast made there to the soup.

  4. Put dumplings in the soup a few minutes before cooking, then pepper and salt the dish. After 5 minutes you can remove from the heat.

In Pork Broth

Cooking time: 100 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 6

Caloric content of food: 200-300 kcal per serving.

Difficulty of preparation: medium.

  • Pork soup with dumplings (dumplings) is a great option for lunch. You can do it faster if you already have the finished broth, otherwise you will have to be patient. Meat for such a dish is recommended to take with little fat. To prepare the fragrant broth, simply pour water over the pork, add pepper and bay leaf and reduce the heat to a minimum after boiling.

  • 600 g pork

  • 3 potatoes

  • 1 carrot

  • 1 onion

  • 5 peppers in a grain

  • bay leaf - 1-2 pieces

  • 30 ml of vegetable oil

  • 1 egg

  • 5 Tablespoons flour

  • pepper, salt, herbs - to taste

  1. Cut the potatoes into cubes and dip them in the previously prepared soup from which you need to remove the meat.

  2. Add the frying of finely chopped onion and carrot to the soup, then add salt and pepper to the dish.

  3. Add salt to the sifted flour, beat the egg. Knead the dough and put the pieces in the boiling soup.

  4. Finally, add finely chopped greens to the soup. Serve the meat separately.

In Beef Soup

Cooking time: 150 minutes.

Portions: 10 people.

Caloric content of food: 500-600 kcal per serving.

Difficulty of preparation: medium.

  • If you are no longer interested in minced meatballs and rice soup, then a German recipe for strong beef soup would be a great option. It is cooked together with bones, meat and root crops. Cooked meat can be cut into medium pieces and thrown into soup or used for some other purpose, for example, added to a salad. The recipe features a large list of components.

  • 500 g beef

  • 750 g of beef bone

  • 1 larger onion

  • 1/4 teaspoon black peppercorns

  • solo to taste

  • carrot, leek, parsnip, celery stalk, swedish all 1

  • black pepper (ground), salt - to taste;

  • 125 ml milk

  • 120 g semolina or semolina

  • 80 g butter

  • 2 eggs

  1. Put washed meat, bones in the sherpa, add water, peppercorns, bay leaf, onion, salt. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for about an hour - remove the foam for the first half hour.

  2. Add chopped vegetables, cook for another hour. Strain the broth, then pour it back into the pot. Season with salt and pepper.

  3. To prepare the dumplings, heat the milk, add butter, semolina and mix everything. Lightly beat the eggs and add them to the dough. Add salt and leave to stand in a cool place for 30 minutes.

  4. Make small balls and put them in hot soup. Cook for 15 minutes on low heat.

With Eggless Dumplings

Cooking time: 30-40 minutes.

Portions: 4 people.

Caloric content of food: 200-300 kcal per serving.

Difficulty of preparation: easy.

  • In the cold winter, you really want to enjoy some delicious warming food. One of the vegetarian recipes is dumpling soup (dumplings), which can be cooked without eggs in vegetable soup. Prepare flour balls in advance, you should combine olive oil with dry ingredients, add a little water if necessary.

  • 4 cups vegetable soup

  • 2 cups flour

  • 1 Tablespoon baking powder

  • 5 Tablespoons olive oil

  • 4 stalks of celery

  • 4 cloves garlic

  • 2 branches of parsnips

  • 2 carrots

  • 2 medium potatoes

  • 2 pieces large bay leaf

  • 2 Tablespoons thyme

  • 1 onion

  • 3 Tablespoons butter

  • 1 cup green peas

  • dill or other herbs /a few branches

  • salt, ground pepper to taste

  1. Cut the vegetables into cubes. Saute minced garlic, onion, parsnips, celery in a pan, then add carrot and 1/2 cup water. Simmer for 5 minutes.

  2. Pour the vegetable soup into the sherpa, add the potatoes and after 5 minutes, start baking.

  3. Mix the dumpling ingredients with the olive oil, mix them well. Add them to the soup peas, herbs, spices. After 5-10 minutes, the dish can be removed from the heat.

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