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Quick Puff pastry Pie with Cheese
Quick Puff pastry Pie with Cheese A simple and quick puff pastry cheese pie ready in just 5 minutes. An ideal meal for breakfast or...
Puff pastry with Minced meat Filling
Puff pastry with Minced meat Filling Pie with meat in puff pastry is a very simple preparation, quick and very easy. An ideal...
The Best Recipe for Krempita
The Best Recipe for Krempita With one trick, the crust will be perfectly crispy, and here's how to make the creamiest filling. Krempita...
Cinnamon Brioche
Cinnamon Brioche A beautiful dessert for any occasion, an ideal snack for breakfast with tea or white coffee. It is easy to prepare and...
Puff Pastry Dessert with Ricotta and Chocolate
Puff Pastry Dessert with Ricotta and Chocolate The perfect Sicilian dessert that is prepared quickly and easily. All you need is a couple...
A Quick Pie made of Puff Pastry Ham and Cheese
A Quick Pie made of Puff Pastry Ham and Cheese You want to eat something quickly, and delicious with the puff pastry, here is an easy...
Puff Pastry with Nutella
Puff Pastry with Nutella You want to eat something simple, and you have these two ingredients, so I suggest you make this simple puff...
Fast Puff Pastry with Sesame
Fast Puff Pastry with Sesame With a few groceries, you will get a fantastic dish! Fantasy of the dough, soft and delicious with the...
Apple and Cinnamon Snails
Apple and Cinnamon Snails Fragrant and delicious apple and cinnamon rolls, fantastic dessert, quick preparation takes you a total of only...
Crempita-Cream Pie with Puff Pastry Lena
Crempita-Cream Pie with Puff Pastry Lena Crempita with puff pastry, very tasty and juicy, soft Serbian cake that will please everyone....
Smoking Pastry-Turkish Meal
Smoking Pastry-Turkish Meal Turkish way of twisting and filling the dough with cheese and primrose, you can also fill with spring onions....
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