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Lazy Pie Old way
Lazy Pie Old way Lazy apple pie is one of those cakes that we always go back to. It is easy to prepare, and I recommend all new...
Italian Dumplings
Italian Dumplings Beautiful and soft dumplings with plums, which you can make for a Sunday dessert. They are suitable for breakfast or as...
Dumplings Delicious Dessert
Dumplings Delicious Dessert Lovely soft Serbian dumplings, with a nice step-by-step explanation. You can combine them with apricots and...
Classic Dumplings
Classic Dumplings Dumplings with plums is a favorite dessert in the whole world, and here is the recipe for how it is prepared in Serbia....
Dumplings with Plums, Serbian recipe
Dumplings with Plums, Serbian recipe This is the recipe my grandmother used to make and this is one of the most beautiful dumplings that...
Dumplings without Potatoes
Dumplings without Potatoes Wonderful, fantastic homemade dumplings without potatoes, an ideal solution if you don't have time. They are...
Plum Jam
Plum Jam A wonderful homemade plum jam that is simple and easy to make, the rule is that the sugar should be about 300 g per 1 kg of...
American Plum Cake
American Plum Cake This is the original recipe from the New York Times famous American plum pie, soft and juicy. If you ask me, it's...
How to Make a great Homemade Plum Jam
How to Make a great Homemade Plum Jam Phenomenal plum jam as our grandmothers used to be prepared without preservatives and lemon, which...
A Simple Beautiful Homemade Plum Jam, Lena
A Simple Beautiful Homemade Plum Jam, Lena A simple homemade plum jam. This is my mom's recipe as she prepares it and I can tell you that...
Dumplings with Plums Lena
Dumpling with Plums Lena This is a recipe that goes from generation to generation and I regularly make dumplings exactly according to my...
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