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Pancakes dessert
Pancakes dessert Simple dessert ready in just 5 minutes, Ideal treat for any occasion and every day, Easy to prepare and quick to make....
Shufnoodles Shufnoodle is an old recipe that our grandmothers and mothers used to make. You can eat them with honey, sugar, walnuts,...
Sweet Rolls with Jam
Sweet Rolls with Jam Wonderful rolls with jam or cream of your choice, if you want the dough to be soft, it is important that it rests...
Tree Stump Cake with Hazelnut Cream
Tree Stump Cake with Hazelnut Cream Cake made of hazelnuts, chocolate and orange. Perfect combination of flavors that is quickly...
Pancakes Lena
Pancakes Lena This recipe was kept from my mom as she used to make it regularly, and they always tasted fantastic. They are very easy to...
Valentino Biscuits with Nutella
Valentino Biscuits with Nutella Easy and simple cookie recipe with Nutella or Jam. Delicious, soft and juicy and fragrant. You will make...
Roll with Mascarpone and Nutella, chocolate
Roll with Mascarpone and Nutella, chocolate Chocolate roll with mascarpone cream and Nutella, a quick fresh dessert, without butter and...
Margarita Cookies
Margarita Cookies Fantastic in delicious biscuits with apricot flavor, they are made very quickly and the recipe is simple. Follow...
Mascarpone and Orange Fluffy Pancakes
Mascarpone and Orange Fluffy Pancakes Mascarpone and orange fluffy pancakes are very easy to prepare and so delicious and juicy you can...
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