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Cannoli Siciliani
Cannoli Siciliani A wonderful Sicilian dessert made from soft dough, with the addition of ricotta cream, chocolate chips and ground...
Sicilian Pasta Tuna in Tomato Sauce
Sicilan Pasta Tuna in Tomato Sauce A fantastic Italian-Mediterranean delicious, meal ready in just 20 minutes. With only a few...
Cannoli with Pastry Cream
Cannoli with Pastry Cream Sicilian dessert in the simplest way of preparation. By purchasing puff pastry and making vanilla cream, you...
Sicilian Pesto
This simple meal originates from Sicily. A fantastic sauce that doesn't need to be cooked!
Puff Pastry Dessert with Ricotta and Chocolate
Puff Pastry Dessert with Ricotta and Chocolate The perfect Sicilian dessert that is prepared quickly and easily. All you need is a couple...
Squid in the Sicilian Way
Squid in the Sicilian Way A fantastic Italian -Sicilian dish of stuffed squid, very juicy and tasty, a real summer and winter dish for...
Sicilian Fish Soup
Sicilian Fish Soup Fish soup in the Sicilian way, rich and phenomenal in taste and rich in omega 3, low-calorie, I recommend that you...
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