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Rice with paprika simple recipe
Rice with Paprika simple recipe Rice with paprika in a quick and easy way. A healthy side dish that you can combine with chicken meat....
Dover Sole fish on Butter simple way
Dover Sole fish on Butter simple way Dover Sole fish on butter in the simplest way. A very tasty meal with just a few ingredients...
Simple Chestnut Pure in a cup
Simple Chestnut Pure in a cup A simple and quick dessert chestnut purée with whipped cream. It is quick and easy to prepare. With...
Baked Ribs in the oven with Potatoes
Baked Ribs in the oven with Potatoes I like to make baked ribs with potatoes at least once every 3 months, they always turn out tasty and...
Fried Chicken Cormorant
Fried Chicken Cormorant Wonderful fried cormorants in the simplest and most delicious way. It is easy to prepare and make. Follow...
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