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Simple Ravioli in Parmesan Sauce, best recipe
Simple Ravioli in Parmesan Sauce, best recipe Wonderful Italian ravioli stuffed with ricotta and spinach in Parmesan cream sauce, ready...
Croissants Beautiful croissants, soft, crispy, juicy, with the taste of vanilla or cream nougat like from a bakery. It's a bit more...
The Best Goulash with Oatmeal
The Best Goulash with Oatmeal The most delicious goulash with few ingredients. So simple and easy to prepare, you will enjoy every bite...
White Caprese Apples and Lemon Cake
White Caprese Apples and Lemon Cake Caprese cake is originally from Naples, Italy. This is not a classic Caprese cake, but the taste is...
Traditional Serbian Bread
Traditional Serbian Bread This is how Serbian housewives make homemade bread, we call it -pogača. They are very tasty and are served...
Lasagna Lasagna, Italian specialty original recipe with ragù. Follow the instructions. Ingredients: medium, total time: 80 min., 4...
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