HEALTH & ALTERNATIVE MEDICINEKale Green ElixirKale Green Elixir Kale is considered an excellent food choice when it comes to protection against heart disease, macular degeneration,...
HOLIDAY RECIPESWhat benefits does Oats bring?What benefits does Oats bring? Oatmeal in the form of porridge is an excellent choice for breakfast, as an addition to meals, it has a...
HEALTH & ALTERNATIVE MEDICINENettle tea for Cleansing the BodyNettle tea for Cleansing the Body Nettle is a perennial plant that is used to purify the blood and increase the excretion of fluids from...
HEALTH & ALTERNATIVE MEDICINEGrandma never had High cholesterol and Blood pressure, consuming these ingredients!Grandma never had High cholesterol and Blood pressure, consuming these ingredients! It is known that increased cholesterol in the blood...
HEALTH & ALTERNATIVE MEDICINESay Goodbye to Clogged Arteries, High Blood Pressure and Bad Cholesterol!Say Goodbye to Clogged Arteries, High Blood Pressure and Bad Cholesterol! This is a recipe for a drink that can clog arteries and lower...
HEALTH & ALTERNATIVE MEDICINEDiet by Blood TypeDiet by Blood Type To the eternal question of whether food has a universal character or is it food that is food for one person for –...